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Enrollment Form
Church of Scientology & Celebrity Centre Las Vegas

First Name:
Reservation Date:
Confirmation Number:

Personal Values & Integrity

Living up to your own ideals is a sure road to success. But without the Scientology know-how to do it, success and happiness can be hard to attain. This course is your chance to make your dreams a factual reality.

Print your reservation form
Get directions
Church of Scientology & Celebrity Centre Las Vegas
2761 Emerson Avenue
Las Vegas NV 89121
(702) 731-1500
Other Maps:

Take a tour

Since 1968, we have served our parishioners, families and friends in Las Vegas. Today, it is with great pride we extend our help to all communities from a home that meets the needs of this thriving entertainment capital.

Our doors are open. Our help is yours.

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